Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week's Workouts

Monday 8/25: bodypump
Tuesday 8/26: Yoga AM + Spin PM
Wednesday 8/27: Rest (does walking the grocery store count? haha)
Thursday 8/28: bodypump + 30 minute incline interval on treadmill
Friday 8/29: 50 minute interval workout on elliptical
Saturday 8/30: 4 mile run + bodypump
Sunday 8/31: Rest (but hours of intense cleaning!)

Week's goals: more yoga and getting up early to hit the g-y-m. :)

Weekend Shenanigans

Hello there! How was your weekend? My weekend was great. Here's a recap of what went down...

Let's first start with my "what I'm thankful for" weekly post that I skipped out on on Friday. Whoops!


...finding the energy to get up early and workout. I went to the gym several times, did some yoga at home and yesterday ran 4 miles with Levi. The energy level I maintain throughout the day is what keeps me going. Early morning workout mission week 2 starts tomorrow.

...a helpful husband. The coach cooked dinner on Wednesday. And, although I told him exactly how to make it and provided him with a unless recipe, he still did it! Yay! He has also been super helpful with doing the dishes, his least favorite chore. Ironically, as I type this, he is painting our back door. Whoo hooo! sweet puppy dog. I woke up from a nap today to find Levi's head resting on my shoulder. I love when he is sweet and snuggles.

...a new grocery/meal plan. I talked about it last week and it is going really well. I'm already planning meals for next week and we haven't finished half of this week (we ate out friday and saturday). mother-in-law for spoiling me rotten. More on that later. :)


Alan and I went to a burger joint down the road called MoMak's. I'd been wanting to try it for a while. It's literally within walking distance of our house (but naturally we drove there!) and always looks hopping when we pass by. When a Groupon appeared offering a great discount, I knew it was fate! Overall review: average. We sat outside and watched the kiddos run around (adults were probably outnumbered by them!) while we ate. The burger was good, not great. It was definitely no Big'z, which is totally my new burger place obsession. Ah-mazing!

After din-din, we came home and just chilled at the house. It was nice to relax. I was exhausted from the week.


Levi and I got up at 7 AM to clock our 4 miles for the day. Despite his determination to WALK the last mile, we managed to finish. That dog gets pretty slow at the end and must pee on EVERYTHING. ughhh.

After the run, Levi went back to bed and I headed to the gym for bodypump. I had a great class, came home and showered and was ready for my day with the mother-in-law. Alan stayed home and slept/watched sports/played video games I'm sure.

First, we went to get pedicures. Boy did I need one. Then we ate lunch. Flatbeard pizza and half a salad. Yum! Next, we went to Costco, one of my all-time favorites. That place is a zoo; I could spend hours there easily. I had to get a new membership (Alan's had expired) and pick up some gatorade and laundry soap. Exciting!

We wandered into TJ Max and Ross but left both places empty-handed. I picked up some new shampoo at Ulta and we headed to "a real store," The Limited! I got 3 shirts and 2 tops for work. All so cute! After we had the outfits, we needed to complete them with... duh, shoes! DSW was calling me name! There I got a pair of nude pumps. We met the hubbies for dinner (Mexican of course) and called it a day a great day. I love spending time with the MIL and am so grateful that we get along so well. Love her!


Alan had a game at 10 AM so church was out of the question. I got to sleep in, though, and it was much needed. Alan didn't want me to go to his game b/c a repair man was supposed to come and fix the fense in the morning. He didn't come until well after Al was home. Figures!

When I got up I ate (cereal with almond milk. If you haven't tried almond milk, you haven't lived. It's ah-mazing-ness.) and then I got on this cleaning kick and didn't stop until the entire house was spotless. ahhh, cleaning bliss!

The rest of the day has been spent relaxing, napping, and snacking. Now, I'm about to start dinner for the night, homemade pizza! It's my third attempt... the last two have been far from perfect, BUT third times a charm, right? Wish me luck.

((Sorry there are no pictures in this post. I know that makes things so much more exciting. I will try to start taking more! ))

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I made it one year!

Today started off a little earlier than normal, about half an hour to be exact! I got up and ready for work and had plently of time to wash a few dishes, make a lunch and a yummy strawberry and blackberry smoothie, and drop off our dry cleaning before work. Whew! Productive queen, right here!

Lunch looked something like this.

[Salad contained greens, celery, cucumber, carrots, broccoli and grilled chicken. I ate it with an oil olive based dressing..bliss!]

By lunchtime I was still full from this morning's smoothie, but I "managed" to tackle my salad and a small energy bar I brought for home. (Has anyone else tried those Larabars? Pretty tasty!) For some reason, my salads seemed extra big today meaning I definitely got my fruits and veggies fix for the day. Score!

While I ate, I did some blog reading and ordered these puppies from Half Price Books.

I read the first book in the series while the hubs and I were vacationing in the Dominican Republic. Much to Alan's dismay, I couldn't put it down! What's better than a love story with 4 best friends and wedding aspects? Not much I tell you! (well... maybe a homemade chocolate chip cookie smothered in peanut butter, but that's a different story ;) )

This afternoon I went to stretch my legs and check my work mailbox. I had this:

Has it been a year already?? Whew, time flies when you are having fun. Or, just really busy! It's funny how time goes by so much quicker when you are not living on a semester by semester basis and there's no homework, tests or projects to complete. I've taken full advantage of leaving work and everything it entails around 5 PM and not looking back until 8:30 the next morning. It's glorious!

Well, tonight's plan is less than exciting. After work, I'm going straight to the gym to get my 'pump on. After bodypump, I might stay and get in my cardio at the gym. It's so hot outside! How do we stand this?! For dinner, meal #2 on my list, I'm making baked talipa with brown rice and zucchini. A snack size snickers (or two!) may find it's way to my mouth also. ;)

I'm thinking the hubs and I get a video on demand off the TV and call it night. Please contain the excitement!

Hasta la vista!

PS- I hear lots of rain is in the near future. Bring it on!! I'll even postpone Levi's bath for it! Too bad my books won't be here by this weekend. That would have been the icing on the cake!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Budget is not my middle name

Today wasn't quite as eventful as yesterday but it was a good one, though.

When my "early" alarm went off this morning, I COULD NOT get out of bed (even after going to bed quite early the night before). I took that as a sign that my body needed the extra hour or so of sleep. ;)

I made it through the day at work. In fact, the day was quite productive and went by a decent pace. Speaking of work, I do have some news to share. We finally posted a new marketing position online, which means.... I will not have to work so much this next year and that I will have some major help this season. Woooo hooo! I'm excited to be able to be more of a coach's wife and actully attend WC football games.

After work, I came home to make a very detailed grocery list. I planned out meals for 7 days and wrote down all the ingredients for the meals plus those for some yummy lunches and breakfasts. I made a budget in my head and headed to the store. As I went I calculated how much I putting in my cart. It was exhausting and once I reached my budget, I quit keeping track. Apparently, my budget was NOT realistic. Boo. I don't think I'll add everything up next time I go to the store unless Alan goes with me. Too much for one person!

For dinner, day #1 of my meal list, I made spicy chicken stir fry and egg rolls (I actually cheated and just bought these to throw in the oven.) Recipe courtesy of and Sam at Faith, Food and Fitness


1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast tenders, cut into 2-inch pieces (see Variation)
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 16-ounce package frozen bell pepper and onion mix


1.Combine sugar, paprika, salt, pepper and cayenne in a medium bowl. Add chicken and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

2.Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over high heat. Add pepper-and-onion mix and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are soft, 5 to 7 minutes. Add the spice-rubbed chicken and cook, stirring, until no longer pink in the center, 3 to 5 minutes. Serve hot. Variation: Make Stir-Fried Spicy Beef by using 1 pound of stir-fry beef or thinly sliced top round steak instead of chicken in this dish.

I thought it was pretty average, but still good. Definitely, cured my chinese craving and saved me hundreds of cals! Good thing since I didn't hit the gym today.

Well, I'm off to go snuggle with the hubs and this little guy.

Good night!

We all scream for... fro yo!

I meant to update yesterday, but by the time we got home last night I was exhausted. I literally showered and went to bed. When did I honestly get so dang lame? Anyhow, let's recap on my day yesterday, shall we?

Yesterday started off in my favorite way: 6 AM yoga(practiced in the hubby's man cave. muahahaha!) I just love this new DVD I got and, although, I prefer being in a studio with an actual instructor, it's simply easier to climb the stairs of my own house than to get in the car and drive to the gym when it's still dark outside. (Is that even natural?)

After I was "zen" and all stretched out, I showered, got dressed for work and made myself a big ol' smoothie for the road. I've been really into smoothies lately. Something about the sweetness and coldness is so satifying on a summer morning. I also love how easy and portable they are! Good stuff.

Work was.. well, work. Although, it did go by fast. After work I headed home to change into my workout gear and rushed out the door to the gym to tackle one of my favorites, spin class. Boy, was it a doozy and by the end I was schweaty! I absolutely love those kinds of workouts.

After the gym, I took one of my famous "Stephanie Rinse-offs" and Alan and I headed out to meet his grandparents for dinner. We ate at Zios; can you believe I've never been to that place? Alan and I gobbled down one of their yummy bread leafs with olive oil and basil and then I ate inhalled a big grilled chicken salad with more olive oil. YUM! :)

I love seeing the grandparents and I am glad get to so often. We need to start making dinner dates with my grandparents too! Somehow our conversation always ends up on football or baseball. Go figure! Can't complain, though. As a Coach's wife, I can handle it.

As satisfying as dinner was, we both had only one thing on our mind as we left... ice cream. In fact, Alan and I did one of those "are you thinking what i'm thinking?" deals as we got into his truck and yes, we were both thinking ice cream! Score! We headed towards Coldstone, but decided fro-yo sounded even better. We ended up at Orange Leaf (along with all of Churchill and Reagan HS.. haha). I've talked about orange leaf on here before, but let me remind you.. it is amazing! It's a self serve frozen yogurt joint with all the flavors and fixin's you can image (which in my case, is VERY dangerous!!)

I decided on a triple threat: Peanut butter, Cookies N' Cream and confetti cake (a little random, I'll admit) fro-yo combo. I then added my all my favs: reese's pieces, strawberry, brownie, butter finger, and chocolate chips until it looked like this.

Alan went the "heathly" route and pilled his with walnuts, strawberry and blackberry.

By the time we got home, I'd emptied my cup. Alan finished his soon after.
It's a good thing I did that spin class!

Catch ya later friends!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thankful Week # 1

I just absolutely love this concept. Thanks to those of you who do this already, allowing me to steal the idea from you. Muahahaha!

This week I have so much to be thankful for, so here goes.. wonderful husband for being both overly-athletic and a hard worker. Not only did the guy hit a homerun, pitch well in two different baseball games (neither of which I went to...whoops!), but he worked a football camp and morning strength and conditioning camp all week.

....a generous landlord. Our AC has been on the fritz lately and I really don't like to live in a house that randomly goes up to 85 degrees when the AC is set on 70. Alan called him, and he agreed to have someone come to check it out, fix our back door and our backyard fense, which are both in dire need of some repair. yippee!

....getting up an hour early on Wednesday morning to practice my yoga. There is something so rejuvenating about joga in the wee-hours of the morning. It also felt great to do something before work for a change.

....a weekend spent with good friends. My college roommate, bestie, and bridesmaid came to visit with her boyfriend last Friday. We ventured to the River Walk and then went to float the river with our ol' college organization on Saturday. It was so great to see everyone since I hadn't seem them since last year's float!

....running. I honestly forgot how much I like to run. This past week I only hit the pavement twice, but it felt great and I realized that I had truely missed that "me" time. If only I wasn't more athletic than that labrador...Dragging him up a hill towards the end of the run is not my ideal situation.

....rain! That's right!! It rained two days in a row here! I think we are all still jumping for joy. Here's to more rain next week!

Happy Friday, friends! Catch ya later ;)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm back!

After following (and falling in love with!) 4 fitness/healthy lifestyle blogs for about two weeks, I briefly comtemplated reorganizing my own blog into something similiar since I am really into living a healthy lifestyle. Once I figured out that am I no Tech-freak and know nothing about re-designing my page, I snapped back into reality and quickly changed my mind. Plus I don't have many recipes or workouts of my own to share (I like to copy those of whom I follow!)

Instead, I am going to attempt to capture our fast-paced life day-by-day, which will some times include food, fitness and fun, which I love!

Another new thing I want to start doing is "thankful fridays." Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!

I'm baaaackkk!