Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend Shenanigans

Hello there! How was your weekend? My weekend was great. Here's a recap of what went down...

Let's first start with my "what I'm thankful for" weekly post that I skipped out on on Friday. Whoops!


...finding the energy to get up early and workout. I went to the gym several times, did some yoga at home and yesterday ran 4 miles with Levi. The energy level I maintain throughout the day is what keeps me going. Early morning workout mission week 2 starts tomorrow.

...a helpful husband. The coach cooked dinner on Wednesday. And, although I told him exactly how to make it and provided him with a unless recipe, he still did it! Yay! He has also been super helpful with doing the dishes, his least favorite chore. Ironically, as I type this, he is painting our back door. Whoo hooo! sweet puppy dog. I woke up from a nap today to find Levi's head resting on my shoulder. I love when he is sweet and snuggles.

...a new grocery/meal plan. I talked about it last week and it is going really well. I'm already planning meals for next week and we haven't finished half of this week (we ate out friday and saturday). mother-in-law for spoiling me rotten. More on that later. :)


Alan and I went to a burger joint down the road called MoMak's. I'd been wanting to try it for a while. It's literally within walking distance of our house (but naturally we drove there!) and always looks hopping when we pass by. When a Groupon appeared offering a great discount, I knew it was fate! Overall review: average. We sat outside and watched the kiddos run around (adults were probably outnumbered by them!) while we ate. The burger was good, not great. It was definitely no Big'z, which is totally my new burger place obsession. Ah-mazing!

After din-din, we came home and just chilled at the house. It was nice to relax. I was exhausted from the week.


Levi and I got up at 7 AM to clock our 4 miles for the day. Despite his determination to WALK the last mile, we managed to finish. That dog gets pretty slow at the end and must pee on EVERYTHING. ughhh.

After the run, Levi went back to bed and I headed to the gym for bodypump. I had a great class, came home and showered and was ready for my day with the mother-in-law. Alan stayed home and slept/watched sports/played video games I'm sure.

First, we went to get pedicures. Boy did I need one. Then we ate lunch. Flatbeard pizza and half a salad. Yum! Next, we went to Costco, one of my all-time favorites. That place is a zoo; I could spend hours there easily. I had to get a new membership (Alan's had expired) and pick up some gatorade and laundry soap. Exciting!

We wandered into TJ Max and Ross but left both places empty-handed. I picked up some new shampoo at Ulta and we headed to "a real store," The Limited! I got 3 shirts and 2 tops for work. All so cute! After we had the outfits, we needed to complete them with... duh, shoes! DSW was calling me name! There I got a pair of nude pumps. We met the hubbies for dinner (Mexican of course) and called it a day a great day. I love spending time with the MIL and am so grateful that we get along so well. Love her!


Alan had a game at 10 AM so church was out of the question. I got to sleep in, though, and it was much needed. Alan didn't want me to go to his game b/c a repair man was supposed to come and fix the fense in the morning. He didn't come until well after Al was home. Figures!

When I got up I ate (cereal with almond milk. If you haven't tried almond milk, you haven't lived. It's ah-mazing-ness.) and then I got on this cleaning kick and didn't stop until the entire house was spotless. ahhh, cleaning bliss!

The rest of the day has been spent relaxing, napping, and snacking. Now, I'm about to start dinner for the night, homemade pizza! It's my third attempt... the last two have been far from perfect, BUT third times a charm, right? Wish me luck.

((Sorry there are no pictures in this post. I know that makes things so much more exciting. I will try to start taking more! ))

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