Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We all scream for... fro yo!

I meant to update yesterday, but by the time we got home last night I was exhausted. I literally showered and went to bed. When did I honestly get so dang lame? Anyhow, let's recap on my day yesterday, shall we?

Yesterday started off in my favorite way: 6 AM yoga(practiced in the hubby's man cave. muahahaha!) I just love this new DVD I got and, although, I prefer being in a studio with an actual instructor, it's simply easier to climb the stairs of my own house than to get in the car and drive to the gym when it's still dark outside. (Is that even natural?)

After I was "zen" and all stretched out, I showered, got dressed for work and made myself a big ol' smoothie for the road. I've been really into smoothies lately. Something about the sweetness and coldness is so satifying on a summer morning. I also love how easy and portable they are! Good stuff.

Work was.. well, work. Although, it did go by fast. After work I headed home to change into my workout gear and rushed out the door to the gym to tackle one of my favorites, spin class. Boy, was it a doozy and by the end I was schweaty! I absolutely love those kinds of workouts.

After the gym, I took one of my famous "Stephanie Rinse-offs" and Alan and I headed out to meet his grandparents for dinner. We ate at Zios; can you believe I've never been to that place? Alan and I gobbled down one of their yummy bread leafs with olive oil and basil and then I ate inhalled a big grilled chicken salad with more olive oil. YUM! :)

I love seeing the grandparents and I am glad get to so often. We need to start making dinner dates with my grandparents too! Somehow our conversation always ends up on football or baseball. Go figure! Can't complain, though. As a Coach's wife, I can handle it.

As satisfying as dinner was, we both had only one thing on our mind as we left... ice cream. In fact, Alan and I did one of those "are you thinking what i'm thinking?" deals as we got into his truck and yes, we were both thinking ice cream! Score! We headed towards Coldstone, but decided fro-yo sounded even better. We ended up at Orange Leaf (along with all of Churchill and Reagan HS.. haha). I've talked about orange leaf on here before, but let me remind you.. it is amazing! It's a self serve frozen yogurt joint with all the flavors and fixin's you can image (which in my case, is VERY dangerous!!)

I decided on a triple threat: Peanut butter, Cookies N' Cream and confetti cake (a little random, I'll admit) fro-yo combo. I then added my all my favs: reese's pieces, strawberry, brownie, butter finger, and chocolate chips until it looked like this.

Alan went the "heathly" route and pilled his with walnuts, strawberry and blackberry.

By the time we got home, I'd emptied my cup. Alan finished his soon after.
It's a good thing I did that spin class!

Catch ya later friends!

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