Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thankful Week #6

Always so much to be thankful for.

....running partners. (and no, I'm not talking about Levi. He sucks lately) Since joining my running group, I've really enjoyed running again. I run alone on the weekdays and I really push myself so that come Saturday morning, I can keep up with whoever my running buddy/buddies are. Yesterday, it was just my friend Danielle and I. We chatted the whole way and knocked out almost 6 miles in no time. I had a blasty.

....naps. (Levi happens to be the BEST napping partner, which is great since The Coach is not a napper). This weekend I've been exhausted and to date, I've taken 3 naps. Two naps yesterday and one today. Bliss.

....Church. We finally made it out this morning and I'm so glad. My Sunday is always that much sweeter when we start it out with the word of the Lord. :) and friends. Loved seeing all the ladies at the house on Friday.

Until next Sunday, amigos.

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