Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thankful Week # 4

I know I'm a little late on this one, but it fits in perfectly with a recap of today... I promise!

Today started off like any other morning. The alarm went off at 5 AM, Levi insisted on me getting up, I finally gave in around 5:15 and he stayed in bed. Punk. (He didn't even budge when I went into the kitchen or see me to the door as I left!) I conquered a bodypump class early, which I'd never done before. I accidentally slept through last night's class... If I was that tired, though, I figured working out probably wouldn't be that effective anyway.

After the gym, I got ready for work and ate one of my favorite breakfasts, oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Bliss. I also sipped on some coffee with almond milk and cinnamon. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but today I couldn't resist. (I'm more of a hot green or black tea with honey kinda girl)

Work was busy and I got a ton done. I'm totally a "to do" checklist person, so I made my list and impressed myself as I marked each project off the list one by one. Score! Then later in the day (and this is where the thankful post ties in), my boss gave me a blank envelope and told me to open it. Turns out....drum roll please..dummmmdummmmmmmmdummmmmm.......... I got a raise! whooo hoooo! I truly am thankful as I did not see it coming. Really, I was completely blindsided, but in a good way of course ;)

And that leds me to the rest of this post. So here is what I'm thankful for this week.

...the raise! Duh! I think I already said that but it's worth noting again. It's not just the money that is awesome. It's the fact that my bosses noticed my hardwork this past year and rewarded me for it.

...two great workouts (well, three if you count the 2 mile walk that Levi and I just got back from). I conquered both bodypump (AM) and spin (PM). Spin class was waaaayyy sweaaaattttyy today, my favorite kind of workout. :)

...the show Friday Night Lights. Ummm..it's okay to be thankful for a show, right? ;) Besides being completely awesome and addicting, I love the fact that the Coach and I watch it together since we both LOVE it. As lame as it is, we both look forward to watching an episode a night. I don't know what we will do when we finish all the episodes on Netflix. It will be a sad day, that's for sure.

...a husband that says thank you. It's always nice to hear he's appreciative and notices the small things. Keeps me trucking along every day.

...family. I had such a great time with everyone over the weekend at Alan's birthday get together. i just love hosting little parties like that. Can't wait to have a big house to hold lots of parties and dinners at someday.

...comfort food. Yep, dinner tonight was simple, but a classic. You can never go wrong with good 'ol spaghetti.

yes, that piece of bread is covered butter. We all have our weaknesses ;)

And that is what I'm thankful for this week. Time to shower!

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