Monday, August 15, 2011

Alan turns the big 2-6

Hard to believe, isn't it?

But yes, this sexy guy is officially old.

Friday was the Coach's actual birthday, so naturally we went all out. Yep, pizza, ice cream and Friday Night Lights on Netflix. You can't slow us down! ;)

If it looks good, it's because it was! (Thank goodness for my smoothie breakfast and salmon salad for lunch!)

Saturday started off early with a 4 mile run with my marathon training group...shout out to Team NEISD! It was great! I followed the run with breakfast (greek yogurt..with a little honey, granola, and mixed frozen barries), cleaning, cooking and some more cleaning and cooking. Alan had to work all morning. Get it, two-a-days!

All the cooking and cleaning was for a little par-tay for the birthday boy at our casa. Family and friends piled in our tiny house to eat, drink and be merry!

I was so proud of Levi for behaving so well. He even found him a new best friend....

Alan got some good gifts.

Including this goofy hat that he REQUESTED! haha

And there was cake, lots of cake. I had some at the party and again on Sunday before packing it up and making Alan take it up to the coaches at the school. Out of sight, out of mind.

After everyone left, Alan, mom and I went out with some friends and we ran into this girl.

Had it really been a year since I'd seen her? That's pathetic. It was great to see her. Jordan was there too, but we didn't snap a picture. That's pretty pathetic in itself too. Fail.

Sunday consisted of sleeping, eating, FNL, and a little shopping (yay for 2 new pairs of running shorts and a tank top!)

Levi was definitely worn out too.

Why do dogs look like such angels when they sleep? So darn cute. Sighhhhh.

Well, I'm going to catch the end of bachelor pad and call it a night. See ya!

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