Thursday, August 18, 2011

A day of firsts

and fails.

This morning started off around 4 AM when I awoke to a crazy pain in my left calf...charley horse. I nearly cried. The pain lasted a minute or so before I was able to go back to sleep. When my alarm went off to tell me to go to the gym, I will still in such pain that I didn't think a workout would be a smart idea... so i skipped. I hate those days. Boo!

Work was ca-ray-zee, but I powered through it! It's like we are starting a football program from the ground up or something!! ;)

I wasn't able to leave work in time to make my bodypump class so I opted for plan B, trying a new grocery store and sploring (that's how Alan and I say exploring when we are referring to Levi) the park by our house.

First up was the store!

This place recently changed ownership and I had been wanting to check it out. It was pretty average. Some prices were more expensive and some were less, but the veggies looked pretty fresh and really that's what I was going for. I got the use-several kinds of greens, onion, alvacado, strawberries, almond milk, feta, etc..

Some yogurt covered pretzels may have fallen into my basket near the checkout. And I might have munched on a few on the car ride home... ;)

I also got some coconut waters. They're loaded in potassium, which my body's lack of may be a reason for this morning's charley horse fiasco. (naturally, the Google queen worked her magic). I don't know if that's the true cause of the pain or if it's my recent increase in running. Anyway, can anyone drink that stuff without making a sour face?! I know I can't. I don't hate the stuff but I DEFINITELY don't love it.

Here's a look at the goods:

After the store, I picked Levi up to head to the park.

He reeeeaally enjoyed the car ride there.

At first, we just drove around sploring from the car. Then we hit the dog park. Eh. 3 dogs, 300 tennis balls. Levi played for about 10 minutes before I got bored. (I couldn't get him to climb on anything or jump through a loop. Lame.)

Next, we drove to a different part of the park for what I thought would be a nice, long run. Fail. The trail I picked was rocky, steep and unpaved.

I wasn't aware I needed my mountain bike and hiking boots for this.

We did about a 20 minute walk before I was ready to leave. Levi was fading, the trail sucked and I felt lost since I didn't know where any of the billizon trails led to. The evening had not turned out like I thought it was going to and I was ready to be home in the AC (although, since most of the park is covered in trees, it really wasn't that hot!). Levi was ready to go too.

You can't tell from this picture, but he got his nasty dog slobber ALL OVER MY CAR.. AND MY LEG!

When we got home, I wasn't very hungry so I made myself a quick salad and it turned out being one of the BEST salads I've ever had. No joke.

[Contains: 3 kinds of greens, tomato, green bell pepper, feta, olives (added after pic), tomato and basil almond slices, craisins and shrimp, I used olive oil and lemon juice for dressing,] Perfection. :)

Well, the Coach just got home (football 2-a-days make for crazy hours) so I'm going to make him a similar salad to eat during our daily episode of FNL. I think a few strawberries dipped in dark chocolate are callig my name too.

It's almost Friday! See ya!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE yogurt covered pretzels!! i could eat them for days :)

    hope you're having a lovely weekend!

    Sam @ fitness food & faith
