Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm throwing in the apron

seriously. I give up.

Over the years, I've attempted and completely butchered everything I've tried to bake. For someone who loves sweets so much, I sure suck at making them. I'll call this a "blessing in disguise" since I can't even imagine the amount of sugar I would consume if I was a stellar baker.

My last attempt was on Friday when I tried to make gluten-free chocolate chip cookies to take to the coaches' party. Ashley does the gluten-free thang so I thought I'll be nice and go that route. Fail. Ash, do I still get brownie points for trying?! Apparently GF flour is NOT the same as regular flour and the consistancy was totally off. Since the batter tasted okay, you better believe I ate some (okay, a ton!) of that batter, I figured I was on my way to success. When I put the cookies on the cookie tray I knew I was in t-r-o-u-b-l-e. They literally spread out covering the entire sheet in a matter of seconds. Check it out.

and that was after being in the oven for FOUR minutes

Needless to say, these bad boys did not see the light of day. I'll stick to making smoothie creations like this one:

It's a chocolate strawberry ice cream smoothie. Contains: almond milk, frozen strawberries, cocoa powder, protein powder and ice. I added chocolate syrup on top for an extra kick. They were delicious and Alan and I scarfed these down. And, I may or may not have finished off the pitcher for breakfast in the next morning ;)

I'll definitely be making these again. Super easy. WIN!

1 comment:

  1. aww, i fail at baking all the time!! i'm just bad at following directions :)
