Monday, November 1, 2010

10 Random updates

1. Last night, I had my first real experience with Trick-or-treating..on the reverse end of giving out the candy. We had the cutest little ones come to our door. My favorite was the entire family dressed as the Mario game family...Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad and Yoshi.. the whole gang. Sooo cute! :) I waited to the last minute to buy the candy so that I didn't eat it, but I guess I bought too much because we have leftovers. and I'm eating it. boo. I knew I shouldn't have bought the reeses...

2. I survived my first women's basketball game. Sunday, we (myself and the interns) produced the game and with minor mistakes I might add. :) It will only get better from here... we we are one game down!

3. I made the BEST salsa yesterday and lots of it! Problem is, I can't stop eating it! I had some as I was making it, before dinner, and before my workout today (not my smartest idea). I may have a slight salsa addiction. And the only cure? More salsa of course! YUMMY :)

4. Giants won the world series. I have mixed emotions.. sad for the Rangers but thankful for no more MLB for awhile.

5. Levi got in some big trouble last night. While Alan and I were in other rooms, Levi jumped up on the counter and ate 80% of the sausage I cut up to use for the Jambalya I was making for dinner. Levi spent some quality time in the backyard..alone.

6. As of now, I have every weekend off in December! Maybe Mom and I can finally use those pedicure/manicure groupons I bought 2 months ago.

7. Churchill made the playoffs!

8. We are going to the SA Rampage game on Wednesday! My boss got a suite. We are going to watch how the game is run and see what promotions we can steal, but really we are going to have fun and watch a good hockey game. Best part is that Alan can come too. WOO HOO :)

9. Body pump just about killed me today. When I left the gym, every muscle in my body was shaking. It was hard to hold the steering wheel straight on the short drive home! I'll be feeling it tomorrow, that's for sure. That's the last time I take a week off. (Although, I was sick last Monday, not lazy.)

10. Alan and I are trying out "No Spend Novemeber." We are going to try to spend as little money as we can this month. Everyone thinks we are crazy, but we'll see how it goes. We got a suprise large check in the mail from the car insurance company today so, so far we have made money this month! I'd say that's a pretty good start.

That's all I have for now.

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