Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Levi Duncan is a graduate! He and the other 2 dogs who had the guts to show up (where the other half of the class was, I don't know) completed all their tasks with flying colors! Alan and I couldn't be more proud. We could tell levi was pretty impressed with himself too. He is now alseep on the floor.. showing off really took it out of him.
Levi and I will keep practicing, but I think we are done with the classes for good. I was adnormally nervous all day. It was like Levi was prepared to take the LSAT or soemthing.. and well, he's going to Law school!! I'm so excited to have our Wednesday nights back too! 7 PM yoga here I come :)

Enjoy these pictures.

Daddy loves his Levi.

Too many treats=a little drool.. but look at those pearly whites. His mommy must really brush those ;)

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