Monday, October 18, 2010

Just another manic Monday

Well, today I spent the entire day in HR, learning about all the benefits that come with my new job (oh so fun, I know). The experience was bittersweet. I was happy to essientally have the day off (since I spent my ENTIRE Saturday in Atlanta). I was grateful to have gotten the job and was excited about the all the bonuses that came it. But, despite all the goodness around me, throughout the day I had to constantly fight off the urge to just break down in tears. No, I wasn't scared about becoming a "grown up." No, I hadn't run over an animal on my way to work. And, no, I wasn't in any sort of pain. I was simply missing my dad. And, frankly, the whole day made me think of him. He worked at UTSA and I had once shared all the benefits I was being offered now, through him. As weird and ironic as it is, the day before he died, he called and asked me if there was any way I could get a job at UTSA. I said I didn't think so, but that I had people keeping an eye out for me. And keeping an eye out is exactly what they did. 6 months later, I'm working at UTSA. I can't help but think that more than one person had a hand in that.

To change the subject slightly, halfway through the day Alan texted me and asked if I was interested in having a date night. A date night with a coach on a MONDAY during football season with both MNF and the Rangers playing on TV? Heck yes I wanted! What a lucky girl I am! We ended up going to firehut, where we both ate way too much, way too fast. It totally hit the spot, though. Sitting in a classroom listening to information about health insurance is hard work. A girl can really work up an appetite!

After dinner we went to a place we had heard about called Orange Leaf. (We were a little skepical considering Orange Cup was our most recent fav. and the names seemed a bit too identical) But when we walked in the door, I knew I was in Haven. Hail motherland of all yogurt places! This shop was basically yogurt planet (my absolute favorite spot in Austin) in San Antonio! A self serve, all-you-can-eat (or afford), sweet, tart and sour place of goodness! Alan may have had to try EVERY flavor in the shop before he could pick one, but I knew exactly what I wanted. Chocolate.. and lots of it. I loaded up my cup (probably containing all the calories I needed in a day.. but hey, I went to Bodypump this afternoon!) and chowed down. We will definitely be returning to this place. Whoa!


On an ultimate sugar high, we went to our final spot before returing home.. Target..for drain-o, dog treats, and milk. You really didn't think we could finish the night without doing something completely old and married-like, did you? We ended up buying way more than originally planned, which is about 90% my fault. Whoops!

To top off the night, Levi learned to shake!!!!! I couldn't be a more proud. It really only took him 5 days to learn. What a smart cookie! He must take after his mother. Now, if only I could teach him to lay down and stay there....

All and all, I'd say it was a good day.

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