Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear wedding photos..where are you?

As of yesterday, Alan and I have been married 4 months! 4 wonderful months and STILL no wedding photos. What's up with that? About a month after we were married the online proofs became avialable and I asummed the cd of the negatives would appear in the mail several weeks later..wrong! I've been waiting, and waiting and waiting. Finally last week, I gave the company headquarters a call. I got their voicemail. It would only have been logical for them to return my call, but when they didn't, I called again. A spoke with a man (whose name I do not know..I'm kicking myself for not asking) who told me he would put the CD in the mail right away and I would have them by the end of the week. False! Today, after calling the headquarters and leaving yet another message, I called the actual photographer who shot the photos. He tells me he is burning cds tomorrow and will have the cd to me ASAP. I sure hope so! I'd hate to put up a big stink and or worse, never get my photos. This is like a bride's worst nightmare.. well one of them. A bad bridesmaid might also qualify as a nightmare (but, wait! I had one of those).

Anyway, I hope I get the photos soon. I'm tired of looking at "MR. and Mrs." empty frames! I'll keep you posted.

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