Sunday, October 17, 2010

A little birdie told me I needed to update my blog. So here goes..

My absolute favorite thing to do on the weekends is lounge around the house and relax. Unfortunatley, I haven't been able to do that in a very long time. Life has kept me going, going, and going for the past couple of months. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I have some exciting news to share. As of last Monday, I am officially a permanent employee of UTSA!!

After working at UTSA as a temporary, a permanent status is quite an upgrade. Woo hoo. My position (which official name is TBA... it was previously Marketing and Promotions coordinator) is very fun and fast paced. I work in athletics doing all kinds of marketing (in-game promotions, social media, special events, game productions, music, student awareness, advertising, you name it). And the best part.. I have interns! About 7 of them!!

Yesterday, I went on my first "business trip" to Atlanta, Georgia to watch the game productions of the new Georgia State football program. Georgia State is a lot like UTSA in that they play off campus in a dome (they play were the Falcons play... needless to say everything was SUPER nice!), they are a brand new football program, and they recently revamped their image as a commuter school. It was an awesome experience and I really learned a lot. I shadowed the productions coordinator, which is what I will be doing at the Alamodome for our football games. It's little scary because I will have such a huge responsability, but wayy cool.

Now, I must say something about my way of travel on this trip. It was anything but ordinary. First, I flew private. Yes, that's right, PRIVATE. We met at a small airport near my house and got on a small (but not really that small) plane. It left when we were ready, not the other way around. Oh, and no sercurity! AWESOME! Second, once on the plane, I was pampered. First, we were given fresh donuts. Who doesn't love donuts?! About an hour later, the owner of the plane announces that it is time for breakfast and he passes around tacos. (Naturally, I couldnt't be rude so I had one of those too.) After eating, I put on a UTSA snuggie and slept the next 2.5 hours straight. Snacks were given out when I woke up. Lesson of the morning: if you fly private, you eat. ALOT.

When I got off the plane, about 5 pounds heavier, my two bosses were waiting for us...on the runway. They drove us to the games, gave us our all access passes and showed us around a bit before we, you guessed it, ate lunch! I spent the rest of the afternoon shadowing the production coordinator and watching the behind-the-scenes action of the game. While I was there, I kept my eye out for the real housewives of atlanta, but no such luck! We left after the game, and I was back in San Antonio by 7:30 PM. How often do you get to say "oh yeah, I was in Atlanta for a little while today" to someone in Texas? Pretty cool if you ask me.

After this experience, I couldn't possibly consider flying commerical. I have been too spoiled. Just kidding... kinda. :)

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