Thursday, September 9, 2010

home is where the heart is

We've been working on putting our new home together and so far, so good. We both love coming home, and although we are just renting and would never want to own this place, we both REALLY enjoy the space (oh, and most importantly, so does King Levi). We are SO grateful to have gotten such nice wedding gifts. There is no way the house would be looking the way it does without them.

Since we have only had a few people over so far, I thought I would share a couple of pics of our humble abode. Can't wait to decorate for fall in a few weeks, and most importantly CHRISTMAS. I've been contimplating where to put the Christmas tree since the day we moved in. I'm still not certain.. luckily, I have a few months to decide.

I'll put more pictures up later. Until then, you'll just have to come see it in person! ;)

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