Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gym escapades

So, I've found another use for creating a blog... to rant about things other people really don't care about. Alan (& numerous others) seem to think I'm pretty good at that. I didn't create the "I need to vent" phone call to Jessica Nelson for nothing!

Today, my annoyance is with the people at the gym. I went to spin class for the second time this week (I'm on a roll, I know!), and it just really irrates me when people leave a group exercise class with 5 minutes left. What on earth is so important that you have to rush out of class early without stretching or doing abs? And what's worse is that it is usually the same people every class. Congrats, you slacker, you got to put away your equipment first and completely disrespect the instructor and annoy your peers. Enjoy the evil looks on your way out.

Oh, and to the little man who thinks that using my bicycle seat to balance as you stretch while I'm still using the bike is okay with me, you are SERIOUSLY mistaken! Standing and climbing like instructor said to do, does not make my seat free game Mr. Plus, it just makes you look creepy, so stop.

Before I go, I must brag and say that I was the only woman (besides the instructor) to make it to the end of spin class today. Everybody else took off early. I may not be able to walk in the morning, but I definitely conquered that hour!

I promise ALL my posts won't be me complaining or venting (I am pretty good at it though, don't ya think?).

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