Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Ides of March (Birthday dinner #3)

Today was a pretty great day! I got to sleep in a bit and Alan made breakfast (pancakes and half an omelet..oh yeah!). I went downtown for a compliance training seminar deal (I got a company credit card!) and then went to lunch at Kona Grill with the fabulous Ashley Hill.. I also snuck in some quick work clothes shopping-two new pencil skirts, one pair of pants and a new top.

The afternoon at work was crazy busy, but went by super fast! For dinner, I met the in-laws and the gang for dinner at Saltgrass and had some more wonderful food. I got some great gifts and was happy to be with the fam.

All-in-all, great day :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


UTSA M. Basketball wins the Southland Conference Tournament and gets a bid to the big dance! UTSA will play Alamaba State in Dayton on Wednesday at 5:30 PM! Go Runners Go! (Oh, and let's not forget about Texas getting into the Tournament.. as if there was any doubt. The Horns play Oakland in Tulsa on Friday)

Filling out my bracket first thing in the morning. Love March Madness!


Puppy Love

Because I haven't posted a pic of the blondie in so long. :)

Birthday Dinner #2

Morning Yoga. Much needed haircut and highlights. Shopping with mom at La Cantera on a beautiful afternoon. 2 new pairs of shoes and a Betsy Johnson Watch. Mexican food.

Sounds like the PERFECT mother-daughter date to me. I'm so blessed. :)

Birthday dinner #1

It's time for the annual March Hill birthdays!! Newest addition? ME! Grandma Hill, Glenn numero tres and myself all have birthdays within days of each other so why not celebrate together in style at none other than THE Alamo Cafe.

Almost every birthday dinner I've ever had was spent at Alamo Cafe. I used to beg my parents to take me and it was the one time I could get my Dad into the place (he wasn't a fan..said the place was not "authentic" enough for him). When I started dating Alan and found out about his family's love for the A-Cafe, I knew I was in the right place! And now, with living right down the street from the place, it is not uncommon to find us there at least once a week. ha!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Punta Cana anyone?

It's official. The hubster and I are hitting the beach this summer, Dominican Republic style!

Oh yeah, baby. Friends, book your trip and come too!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One year.

Miss you, everyday.

Mom sent this text to me this morning.

"What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." - Helen Keller

I am in love with this quote. There is no love like a daughter's love for her daddy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One more folks

What's better than 12 favorite things? 13 favorite things.

Here's to number 13.

This one's adorable and I cannot get enough.

Peace. Love. Shoes.

Had a little retail therapy today at lunch. After getting dressed this morning and not being able to find a decent pair of shoes to wear with my outfit, I decided I needed to update the ol' shoe collection. Yes, I have many a pair of shoes, but most of those are "causal weekenders." I need some cute yet practical footwear.

Of course, I wanted several pairs, but I finally settled on these puppies.

The closed toe says professional, but the wedge says fun. Thanks Nine West.

Now, I am currently searching for the following: wedge sandals (since LD chewed up last summer's steven Maddens... I'm still angry about that), nude pumps and a cute pair of summer flats.

Ah, shoes. I absolutely love them.

Trending Now

Twitter has theirs. I have mine. Here are the top 12 things that are trending in my life right now, AKA my current favs/obsessions and the things I just can't seem to live without.

1. Tuesday night spin class.
Probably the most cardio intensive workout I've ever done. I literally leave completely soaked in sweat. love, love, love it!

2. OPI Rumple's Wiggin' Nail polish
This light purple polish is fabulous and so fun.

3. Body Pump
I've been going to this class for about 6 months now and I am completely obsessed. By far my best workout (2-3 times a week)of the week.

4. DVR
Because there is no other way to watch TV. Who actually watches The Bachelor live these days? Commercials are for fools!

5. Women's Health Magazine
My monthly gift from the fitness Gods. I read this from cover to cover and love every minute of it.

6. Light Yoplait Yogurt
If it's Monday-Friday somewhere between 2:30-4 PM, it's snack time! I literally eat this so much that my interns have caught on and now yell out "Yogurt timmmmeee" when I reach for this yummy goodness. Ha! Add 1/4 organic granola for a even better snack! I want to try to new Greek styles soon too!

7. Saturday Morning Yoga
I'll admit, I haven't been to class in a month, BUT i was working so I couldn't. Now that basketball season is over, I am so there, starting this Saturday. yay!

8. Diet Green Tea Citrus
I've even got Alan drinking this. It's wonderful.

9. Origins A Perfect World Antioxidant Cleanser with White Tea
This stuff smells and feels AMAZING! Follow up with the moisturizer for skin that looks and feels great. I highly recommend this!

10. Radaronline.com For all the latest Charlie Sheen weirdness. Definitely my guilty pleasure.

11. Tostito's Hint of Lime Tortilla Chips
I recently rediscovered these and cannot put them down! They may not be the healthiest, but they sure are tasty!!

12. Evening runs with Levi
I just love taking that handsome pooch around the block.