Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthdays, birthdays, BIRTHDAYS

First it was my Grandma's 70th birthday aka Groundhogs Day. The family went to the original Fuddruckers and it was AMAZING. How have I lived almost 23 years without ever eating at that place? That's almost un-American.

We had burgers and fries and the cutest cake EVER. And now, I'm definitely an American. :)

A week later, it was time for mom's big 50th surprise party. We had 30 of her closest friends and family at this shin-dig, which was held at the Yacht Club. Two of her girlfriends tricked her into coming out with them and we surprised her at the restaurant. So fun. And the kicker? One of her gifts (from her wonderful bosses) was a trip to Key West with 3 of her girlfriends!!! Her party was on a Friday and she left that Sunday. She was in Key West for her 50th. How fun is that?!

I didn't take too many pictures and the ones I took aren't very good, but here is what I have.

Thanks to my great mother-in-law, Mom had a pretty cute cake too. I loved it and so did she!

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