Friday, September 24, 2010

Pilates.. AKA "Sit & Be Fit"

Today, I didn't have to go into work until noon, so I decided to try the pilates class at my gym. Little did I know what I was getting into...

I'd say the first red flag had to be the people in the class. Well, rather the age of the people in the class. Let's just say that when I walked into the studio, the average age became about 60. You do the math (if you still don't get it, this means almost everyone was around 70 in the class and I was the youngest by 2 generations).

The second and third red flag had to be the instructor. A.) She apologized for the "bad behavior" of the class (I'll get to that in a second) and B.) she was a Reagan mom.. ew.

So as the class starts, the instructor announces that first, we will be working arms. This is much to the dismay of the class and the moaning, whinning, and arguing begins. "No, I'm not doing that." grunts an older man in the back. "you can't make me." Now, I know his comment was all in good fun, but seriously?! And it wasn't just him commentating.. it seemed almost everybody was belonged to the peanut gallery! I heard stories about grandchildren, deaths, hip pains, you name it!

Finally, the forth red flag was the actual workout itself, which was about 15 minutes shorter than it was supposed to be. I'll admit that I haven't done pilates in a long time and the majority of my time was spent in front of a dvd I got on sale at Target when I was in HS, but I KNOW it has got to be a better workout than what I did this morning. I'm guessing that considering the clientele, the workout had been catored to an older crowd. (I was at an 8:30 class on a Friday morning.) Even though I felt like we were mimicking as eposide of "Sit and Be Fit" on KLRN, I made it through the class. Who knows, to my surprise I may even be sore tomorrow. Hope so!

Needless to say, I don't think I will be attending this class again anytime soon. To be honest, I probably will not have another weekday morning to go anyway.

PS- And by this post, I do not mean to offend any of my grandparents. I actually applaud the efforts of the people in the class.. I hope I still belong to a gym and do pilates when I am that age. Despite the complaining, most of them were in excellent shape! Also, this group had to be the friendliest of all the group classes I have taken. No other group has invited me out for coffee after the class!

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