Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Flat tires

suck! Especially first thing in the morning.

It wasn't until I arrived at the post office 5 miles down the road that I realized the I had... A FLAT TIRE!! I'm not sure what made me look at my back left tire when I got out of the car, but thats when I saw it! Why I didn't notice it when I started the car, backed out the driveway or drove over the 50 speed bumps in the neighborhood, I'll never know. Oh course, the warning light that was supposed to tell me I had a low tire never lit up either (until I was almost at the tire place and now I can't get it to turn off!). When I realized what I had to deal with, I did what I always do when problems arise (and Alan in unreachable)... call mom!

We decided over the phone that I should drive my car to the Discount tire just down the road, so I did.. at about 15 mph with my flashers on. (Thank you cop, who passed me without seeming the least bit concerned.) Once I got there, they told me that because I drove on the tire, ruining the inside walls, I would most likely have to replace it. But, hello, how else was I supposed to get there? I said "okay" and then waited and waited. I can't complain much though, I had a people magazine in my hands and they were playing the Dixie Chicks on the radio. :)

Finally, the guy told me that they were all finished and that the tire wasn't completely ruined but he went ahead and replaced it anyway because he didn't feel comfortable with me driving on it. The best part was when he addded that he "took care of it" A new $75 tire for free? Yes, please!

Yep,... girl's still got it ;)

Proof that bad mornings can make for okay days. PS- Happy birthday to my love, Shannon Smith. 23.. wooo hooo! Miss you.

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