Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I read this article called "How to be 20-something," a spin-off article from the New York Times article "What is it about 20-somethings?" and was inspired to write my own take on being a 20-something. I finally got to a computer to do just that.

Fall in love and stay there. Lose someone who means everything to you. Sing Taylor Swift at the top of lungs in the car. Only kid yourself when you say you are over her. Put up your first Christmas tree. Wake up to it crashing to the ground. Struggle to decide which family to spend the holidays with. Meet with a financial advisor to start saving for retirement even though it fills like a million years away. Name your unborn children, but put no thought into actually having them soon. Get a puppy instead and spoil him to pieces. Lose touch with friends, but stay close to good ones. Visit them in Austin and act like nothing has changed.

Ask your husband when you want to make a big purchase (even though you already probably bought whatever it is). Work weekends. Watch your friends post pictures of weddings and babies on facebook. Get Women's Health magazine in the mail and spend an entire day reading it cover to cover. Promise to go the gym but eat some chocolate instead. Schedule dinners out. Work a lot for a little money. Call mom every chance you get. Go to the doctor and use your OWN insurance. Eat lots of junk but try not to. Wish the "you're so young" comments would stop. Watch GMA in the morning as you get ready for work. Get a tiny little house in a cute little neighborhood. Complain when the nightstands don't fit in the bedroom and wish for a bigger house although you know you don't need one.

Spend a Sunday doing laundry. Acquire a taste for coffee and drink it every morning. Watch reality TV as much as possible. Find a youtube video that is hilarious and show it to everyone you know. Go to bed by 10 PM by choice. Use the phrase "I remember when I was in college." Do not envy those studying for finals. Buy the heck out of groupons. Still love going to the movies. Feel grown up, but not that grown up. Milk the "kid" card for as long as you can. :)
